For the longest time, I wanted to rework my brand with a professionnal graphic artist. With this new activity, the opening of the ceramic animals online shop and everything else, it suddenly made more sense. I asked for portfolios on twitter and I had some amazing submissions. Making my mind about one graphic designer was not an easy task. So I laid out everything that I liked and finally I chose someone living and working in my area. Florence, who runs the Atelier Mouette graphic design studio, is another French woman in Montréal, I thought it would be a perfect fit. We have a few things in common and it worked out very smoothly.

She really grabbed my personality and everything I wanted to convey with this new ceramics business. She did an amazing job and I absolutely love the whole brand identity she created.
Why not create my own logo ?
Well, I could have but although I am an artist, I am absolutely not a graphic designer. Illustration, painting and drawing, as well as ceramics sculpting come to me naturally, it’s like breathing or walking. I can do this while listening to podcasts and I know my craft. But Graphic design, to me, is a truly foreign form of the visual arts. I truly admire people who manage to make art and design work together because I just suck at design. I can tell if something’s good or not, I can change colors, crop, alter design in a fashionable way, but I just can’t make something from scratch. So, here, I really wanted to work with someone who knew her job and was good at it.
While thinking about this design, I also wanted it to make sense in my ceramics as well as on my original paintings. So I commissionned two other artists in order to make a stamp for paper and cardboard. Berteline de Tarragon makes awesome handmade stamps – she has many available designs and is able to take commissions. She crafted the stamps Florence designed in no time.
The stamp for ceramics is another thing I wanted, but it had to be really small as the ceramics animals and porcelain jewelry are really tiny. I found a woman on Etsy who is able to make the tiniest of steel stamps. I have absolutely no idea how any of this works and it’s amazing. I’ll keep you posted on the results !

Well, I’m quite happy with all this, I hope my customers will be glad too 🙂 I now have some more work to attend to ^^ If you’re an artist and you’re not sure about working your brand, just do it. It’s an investment but in the long run, it will help. For European illustrators and artists, I had also selected Anaïs who works in Bordeaux – I will definitely work with her on my other job as a SEO consultant soon ! Check her out :